Saturday, March 28, 2009


on the older post i said, im going to watch movie with my brother. and we did. we decided to watch dragonball evolution at XXI pim 2.
penasaran banget gue sama film ini.. since i knew this movie will release, gue ga sabar banget kepengen nonton, dan alesan lainnya soalnya yang main itu, justin chatwin <3>

pas masuk sih sempet kyk telat gitu, soalnya ya biasalah kaka gue males2an dulu dirumah. udah gitu kyknya gue pake baju salah mulu sampe disuruh ganti berkali2 -_- trs pas sampe sana, kita ke 21 dlu liat ada yg jual buat di xxi apa ga, but there wasnt. jadi langsung ke xxi deh. we bought it, then got into the movie theater. we sat on row K no. 21 / 22. well i forgot, but sekitar gitu lah. we were late for about 3 / 4 minutes, but there wasnt any important scenes. i started watch that movie when a woman gave a dragonball to an evil woman. and when i saw Goku for the first time, i was like 'anjrit edward cullen abis! scene juga kyk pas di twilight gitu' dan itu beneran mirip. trus nonton terussss, trs i cried a bit when Gohan dead.. it was a sad scene :( but then gue terus nonton aja kan, trs malu juga nangis sebelah kaka gue, cuih. but that movie could make me laugh a lot!! u should see how silly is goku and roshi and others. and how cool is goku when he attended chi chi's party. U MUST WATCH IT!!!!

then my advice, u should watch this movie!!!!!!!!!!! its a must banget, beneran deh. id like to watch it again and again and again again hahahahaha. ooops its almost midnight, i gotta go to sleep. i must wake early tomorrow. i havent study yet, so i'll do it tomorrow morning, jadi masih fresh juga kan /gg. kay, gotta go see ya! -pol