Thursday, April 30, 2009


listening to: Big city dreams - Nevershoutnever!

HEY YA! ke stressan gue udah agak berkuranglah, hari ini hari terakhir UAN, dan mata pelajarannya adalah IPA....yang bener2 gue parah dalam fisikanya. sampe les terus2an berkali2 dengan guru yang ngajar cepettt banget, banyak yg ga gue ngerti, tapi untungnya dia ngasih catetan! jadi gue belajar dari situ aja. and hasilnya, gue alhamdulilah IPA lancar :) cuma biologi tersendat gara2 belajar fisika mulu ~_~

yah UAN apalagi kalo udah ngeliatin ige frik pas lagi uan, bisa jadi penyegar kalo lagi stress mikirin jawaban deh tuh wkwkwk. dan penyemangat lagi....gue selalu sekelas sama ibong, how luckyyy. tapi ibong ga di-apa2in ko. dari mulai semesteran kelas8, semua to pas kelas 9, UAN, selalu sekelas dan selalu deketan. uan aja di belakang gua, tapi ibong ga ke ganggu sama gue ko B)

yahhhhh i wish nem gue tinggiiiiii, berapa kek pokonya diatas 35 maunya, dari usaha gua selama ini les2an yg ganggu bgt males guru ga enak, sama mantengin guru terus di kelas duduk paling depan terus, semoga membuahkan hasil baik ya allah. dan, semoga XX lulus 100% dengan nilai paling tinggi, amin :)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

days in november

i want to go back to the days in november
back when we were in love
and everyday was a day to remember
and we live happily
let me know, why didnt we stay that way?
i wish i could find my way back to love..
Ever After - Rasmus Faber ft. Emily McEwan

Sunday, April 12, 2009


its 30 to 9. im waiting for a friend of mine to call me. he called me 'bout 1hour ago, but i didnt make it, cause i was working on my paten book. i told him to call me at 9, but he hasnt call me yet, im sure he'll tell me bout the girl that he had crush on, and i was kinda freaking out when i knew which girl. i was like WAAAAAW KO BISA? im wondering the day when they walk as a couple, a girlf and boyf, huff. if u know u them, u'll think what im thinking right know..

and now its 11. i cant sleep, and im waiting a call from my friend (AGAIN). the person above had call me, and we talked for about 2hours. then my battery got empty. and he said he want to sleep, well okay. i charged my esia. then lets talk about my other friend. hmmm he's CLBK sama his ex but he wont admit that. see my conversation w/ him on msn:
O: jgn bilang....clbk ya?
X: urgh
O: IYA?????
X: plis no more..
O: DEMI APA???? tp coba aja lagi..
X: Nooooo
X: diem deh
O: brarti bener dong yang gue bilang..
X: i dont want to remember her, meet her, talk about her and other
O: kenapa siiiiih?
X: ya gimana ya gatau, udah ada yg mau kali
O: ya tapi lo juga mau kannn, lo harus usaha kalo lo mauuu
X: no i dont want to, let somebody take her pleaseee
O: yakin? ga nyesel?
X: engga. someone could do better than me
O: aww (:
(X = him, O = me)
how sweeeeeeeeet. haha i never imagine someone like him could say that. but im happy for him, well thou he didnt want to admit that he's in love again with his ex, he thought he'll repeat his fault from their past when they're together, but im sure he wont. and so does his ex. i love when they're together, and im hoping they'll back together :)
everbody was sooo in love today. like my 2friends above, and other people. im happy for them :) Cheers!

(ps: dont ask me about the persons above, i wont tell)

Friday, April 10, 2009

celebrity should learn this.

You gotta see this cool video..
Cool huhhhh?? i wish i could do that one time..
I was about to upload that jenny humphrey's coolest fashion show.
But i didnt find the great one. then i remembered a video that my brother showed me couple months ago.
She just one year older than me, thou i think she's much older than her age. too old face, but she's cool.
My brother's soooooo into her because of this vid. me too.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

absolutely in love with..


Happy Family...not, me&Renzy as parent. and theyre our kids :p

On the way back from Karawaci.

Class-that-never-sleep (kecuali Upay & pel. Pak Syarief)

Our clown, Abie.

Chezzzzzzzzze :D

Our class's magazine cover :p

thing that i cant deny is...i really in love with them.
i love them, till high school do us apart. Cheers!

Saturday, April 4, 2009


hola peps! hoaaaaahm its 11, and i just got up from my late nap. actually i got up on 9, i heard my phone rang. i picked it up, and that was my stupid silly friend, HAHA :p he asked me some stuff for Quantum Camp(cant wait!!!) and we talked bout things for a while. he made jokes that always making me laugh hahahaha. suddenly the call ended, i guessed itu gara2 batre hp gue udah low. norak ya, kenapa ga sekalian nunggu batre abis.

sekarang udah jam12. and i dont know what to do. i was working on a task that my guru les gave me this afternoon. he said, itu try out math buat jakarta timur apa manaaaa gitu. and he said that's important for me to do that. i thought its hard, hmmm now i think it aint as hard as i thought. i must be study hard for my exam. hmmm 22days to go, i dont think im ready but i have to. AAAAAAAAAAAH IM SCARED. i wish i'll get 37 / 36,8 for my nem.. im stressed out -_-

hmmm its about midgnight, i cant sleep. i currently listen to nevershoutnever's song, yourbiggestfan. i hope i have something to watch, tv gue daritadi siang disney terus, blm ganti2, and im too lazy buat ganti2 channel sebenernya. AND i dont even know where my remote is. hmm i think i'll continue finishing my task. ANDDDDDD not forgetting, i would love to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO WIANA AND RIKO!! AND(again) SELAMAT DINTA&NINET buat masuknya mereka ke tahap selanjutnya gogirl look 2009. capek ya liat nyokap dan anak gue di kluarga xx pada bakat model semua, huff. byee peps. -pol