Thursday, July 9, 2009


remember the thing about Leighton Meester that i posted couple months ago? a song from Cobra Starhip ft. Leighton called 'Good Girls Go Bad' i found that song from NYLON(..??) i searched for it, then i found the song. but i couldnt find the V-Clip. ive been waiting for the video. i checked on youtube almost everyday. i watched the preview but it made me even more curious than before. then it came out on June, 29 2009, i was truly exciting!!! i watched and downloaded it in the same time. they looked really cool!!!!! Gabe&Leighton are very gorgeous!!! love them both. this is the vid.

i envy those legs!!!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

god, i miss them.

hwelow! eh akhirnya gue masuk SMAN 6 MAHAKAM loch, biarpun ga bersama si ompong yang di bawah tetep seneng gue di 6 :D semoga si ompong, smest.2 pindah ke 6!!!! amin amin. ga berasa bgt udah SMA aja ya, gue kangen temen2 SMP deh, lama banget ga ketemu mrk dalem 1 tempat. kangen bgt gue sama mereka sumpah ga bohong.

esp. IXA, sumpahde nih kelas ngangenin bgt. biasanya pagi2 gue bangun jam 6, trs mandi sholat(klo msh sempet :p) siap2 ke sekolah sarapan terus berangkat kira2 jam stgh7 deh, pdahl ada pemantapan tuh jam stgh7. biasanya kalo gue beruntung gue dateng sblm jam 06.50, gue langsung masuk kelas. tapi kalo udah jam segitu dan lewat dari itu....bapaknya si Nder, Pak MuchroJi/MJ udah bertengger di depan meja piket nyuruh anak2 kelas9 yg telat, ngisi buku piket dulu sebelom pemantapan. biasanya juga kalo moment2 kyk gini gue ditemenin sama si Egita nih, sering bgt telat barengan. dan kelas gue emang rekor terbanyak deh, waktu itu aja sampe 5org dri kelas gue telat trs di suruh belajar diluar seharian, wktu itu: gue, Chika, Dana, Egi, sama Osmar. udah kita akhirnya ke perpus dan bantu2 buat tematik nya kelas1 :) terus kalo gue masuk biasanya setengah kelas udah ada, terus Allya muncul Osmar muncul Ame muncul Adde muncul Chika muncul Gendis muncul Abie muncul Anbia muncul dan Rama muncul. yg kebagian duduk di tengah sama di depan deh pasti yg telat2 tuh. terus ngebacot sepanjang hari. apalagi ya kalo udah cak2in Ige....aduh parbeng. ngakak bgt deh kalo berhubungan dengan Ige, bahan empuk anak2 bgt, ga pernah marah sih. udah dibilang yang bikin kelas panas lah, fyi kelas 9A emg aneh bgt, giliran yg lain kepanasan, AC nya pada mati, kelas gue sendiri malah tenang2 aja adem kyk biasa asik. eeeh tp giliran yg lain tenang2 kelas gue malah panasnya ampun2an. sekelas jd pada nyalahin Ige smua itu sekelas bikin AC panas gara2 disedot sama idungnya yg besar...terus mulai deh anak2 nge-cak2in IGEGI. susah sih namanya nyambung trs ya emg di gossip2in gitu jg kan, dua2nya jg biasa2 aja lg digituin udah kebiasaan dari awal ahahaha, eh tp gitu2 Ige pinter cuy, nem 37,8(iya kan? lupa :p) terus dia di 28 sekarang, cayo ge!!! gue dukung disana. terus yang paling gabisa dilupa tuh.....galasin!!!!!!! ini parah bgt deh, kelas gue suka bgt mainan ini. sampe kalo abis olahraga apaaa gt, masih ada sisa waktu pasti minta kunci lt.4 trs main disana, trs kalo pak roso ga ada jg jadi main galasin, pas materi abis main galasin. dan parahnya kita slalu telat buat kelas abis itu. jadi gara2 main, keringetan, udah males2an ganti baju jadi ngadem dulu, terus karna pelajaran selanjutnya itu pelajaran our papa, Pak Basroh, jadi papa yg pengertian ngasih waktu tapi akhirnya marah2 juga hahaha. terus yg parah waktu ituu...kan Pak Roso ga ada, jadi kita main galasin kan. udah nih main di atas, terus pelajaran selanjutnya itu PAK SYARIF!!! which is selalu bikin ngantuk woi!!!! mending ga masuk. beda pel. gt soalnya Pak Basroh dinas. kan kita main nih, klo main ini ga bakal brenti deh kalo ga disuruh atau kesadaran. ini udah bener2 smua nya main terus rusuh bgt, sampe sering bingung sendiri masuk dapet angka apa ga. dan...gue selalu mau sekelompok sama Abie. hey dia cool bgt men kalo main iniii, gerakannya cepet bgt. bisa 2x / 3x bolak balik dia nyetak angka hahahah, KANGEN. terus terus pas hari ituu...kita bener2 parbeng deh sampe ngabisin 1jam pelajaran Pak Syarif di atas main galasin doang, ga ada yg peduli juga abisan males kale pelajaran dia jg semuanya tidur cuy, bener2 ngantuk, gabakalan masuk otak deh, beneran. bener2 diatas, belom ganti baju...pas istirahat sholat jumat baru deh...heheheh ya Allah badungerrrs, pantes aja rata2 kelas pas2an :p terus terus...Anbia!!! my favorite bgt nih orang, gila ya kalo ngelawak tuh bener2 bikin jumpalitan abis deh, bener2 kaco gitu lawakannya. apalg kalo dia udah ganti2 lirik lagu orang kyk: 'sen, sendal di wajahmu, sen, sendal diwajahmu, kurindukan sendal di wajahmu, kuinginkan sendal di wajahmu' maygat bgt loh nih orang penyemangat kelas bgt. terus wktu itu pas lg kumpul2 dikelas gt, trus lagi ngomongin ttg nyokap2 nih gara2 Osmar, terus dia cerita dia di sms sama nyokapnya gini 'ga usah pulang aja sana! mudah2an kamu ga jadi gembel diluar' sumpah ya...gue yang namanya ngakak, udah ngakak bgt!!!! apalg sama nada ngomongya itulooooh~ terus Anbia punya Masterpiece yang dia bikin pas lagi ujian praktek seni rupa yang di agung2kan sama IXA. dia disuruh buat gambar sama Pak Takdir, eh you know what dia buat apaan? dia bikin tulisan gitu, isinya: 'BOSAN JADI PELAJAR' anak2 seni musik langsung datengain dia gitu ke samping udah sambil meng-agung2kan saking gitunya, woohoo! kangen Anbia banget!!!!!! semoga berhasil di 46 biiiiiiii, cayo! teruuus ada lagi si Ocha, dia ini sumber airnya IXAA. siapapun yang butuh minum pasti mintanya ke dia deh yaa, karena mesti liat tempat minumnya dia itu segede bagong bgt gitu. anak2 nyebut tempat minumnya itu PIALA ALIXCUP. apacoba banget ya....hahahaha. pasti mintanya gini 'cha cha bagi piala dong' atau 'chaaa piala alixcup' ckckc emg emg gatau malhoy minta2 mulu ke orang hu. ayo cha!! SMA jangan nyerah kemon di 74!!!! ada lagi si Upay nih anak kerjaannya tiduuuur melulu. gaboong deh, dari mulai pelajaran paling betein sampe pelajaran paling serius dia pasti tidur! NGECES PULA. abis ketiduran pas bangun, dia langsung ngelap meja gitu, ngelap ilernya wakakak shit abis lu pay. sampe dia pernah tidur di pelajarannya Pak Nuh, which is mesti konsentrasi terus. kalo udah An-Naba semua bingung, kerjaan Ame&Dana tuh slalu buka Al-Quran padahal gaboleh nyontek, eh tetep aja dibuka, dan Ame tuh sasaran empuk nya Pak Nuh, diapanggil melulu. kembali ke Upay, udah gitu udah kena sekali di pelajaran Pak Nuh, eh teteeeep aja dia masih ketiduran disana, kurang apa coba nih anak. eh tp tukang tidur gini dia pinter looooh, UTAS coy, 70 nich. tp gue lupa nemnya. cayo pay di 70!! slamat berjuang. terus teruuuuuuus 9A kan 9ANAK HOMO&LESBI! buset yaa gue gatau deh ini dimulai sejak kapan, tp ya tanpa sengaja aja keliatan gitu cuy. kita tuh klo dikelas kn emang saling deket, tp ada yg deketnya tuh bener2 bangettt. nih ya pasangan paling HOOOOT sepanjang masa dalam sejarang IXA: AME&DANA maygatttt they really love each other banget loh paraaaaaaaah! sampe sekarang ya, tadi pun tuh di Sency mereka mesra banget. waktu itu kan Dana ke Bali, eh si Ame kesepian banget nyuruh cepet pulang. terus pas Ame ke Jateng gatau deh kemane pokonya si Dana udah sedih banget gitu sampe taro pm!!! ih gue gatau deh dikelas aja emang mereka tuh udah kyk apaan gitu deket bgt. pas waktu conference IXA aja yang pas mau pergi, eh ini anak berdua malah asik ngobrol berduaan bikin janji bersama gitu, si Dana nyuruh Ame ke kemang tp dia ga ada kendaraan trs minta dijemput gitu sama Dana~ aduh saling sayang bgt kalian jangan lupakan PETENG!!!!!! hahaha yg cewe2 nih rada gila juga. jadi abis olahraga, cewe2 kelas gue kan kepanasan abis tuh keringetan apalg abis galasin kan, smua basah, terus....kita cari kelas kosong; biasanya sih ruang agama / ruang plkj. masuk terus kita pesta tank top...ikikik sadis deh bener2 gitu doang men sekelas yg cewe2, ala kadarnya. dan untungnya yg cowo2 pada gatau kan. sempet! ada yg ga sengaja hampir masuk tuh Abie kalo ga salah udah pada histeris semua, untung Abie blm sempet masuk ke dalem, fuhhh. biasanya kalo kyk gini paling ekstrim si Disa sama Karina, beh bgt mereka dech. kalo gue udah kepanasan, ala kadarnya, tiduran di lantai di bawah AC, sama Didi nih biasanya, terus kita curhat2, nge gossip dkk deh pas itu, makanya jadi lama banget. ebuset maksudnya ga sebanyak ini, gue mo tulis ttg XX jg, tp gda sengaja jadi segini....masih banyak yg gabisa ditulis ttg IXA, capek sendiri jadinya ikikik, cuma gue mo bilang gue sayaaaaang bgt sama lo smua, gue kangen BANGET sama lo smua. kalo kata Ame: 'ini dari kelas 7,8,9 ya cuma di 9A gue ngerasa enak bgt, kangen jayus2nya bacot2nya, bener2 nyatu deh' --> kurang lebih ya, gue lupa dia blg apaan aja :p tp pokonya.. i wont forget the days weve been through together, from the 1st day of 9th grade till now. and i wont forget you, i love u :')

Monday, June 22, 2009

high school? check!


1. nem gue 34,7 T_T
2. gampang di depak dari 70
3. memutuskan untuk di 6

awalnya...gue nyari tulisan nem dan nyesek bgt. it's too far from my target, i cried a bit. but i hv to face it, i know Allah knows the best for me and my future. my dad did too, from the time he heard 'rumors' bout 70, he didnt want me to go there, tapi gue mau bangeeeeeeeeeeeeet T_T dan ternyata emg ga di ijinin sama Allah juga.

so i faced the truth that i hv to go to my brother's high school, and a bit dissapointed :( i rlly wanna try for 70!! till today, me & Mody had a talk about someone on twitter and msn. she told me to take a look at someone's graduation photos, then i did. and i saw si OMPONG. gue sempet lupa sama dia, tp pas gue liat fotonya lngsng inget dan WAW GANTENG. then i tweeted her and told her that i already seen it, and a thing about OMPONG. i said:
@annamols kenapa sih modd kan emg kenyataannya dia lucuuu ^_^ masuk mana ya dia? wkwkwk vulgar bgt diomongin disana dah :p

trs bales2an terus kan. then we had a conversation on msn about videos i gave her and someone who delivered it to her :p andddddddd tiba2:

ti !@#$%^& ol
DEMI APA???!!?!

trs stop. we talked bout other things then i was away for shower. after 10 / 15 minutes i got back. 2 unread convs. from Mody & Amanda. i read from Manda and okay. then from Mody...

DEMI APA MOD???!?!?!?!
ah lo ga update ttg si ompong nih!

gue ketawa terus, sampe bacanya pun sambil ketawa ketiwi ^_^ she tweeted me:
@tiaraswardita gausah 70 ti 6 aja wkwkakwkakwkakkwakkw cie arompong
@tiaraswardita gila lu ti hahahaha inget si blacky ti......inga2. 6 deh lu 6 aja haha tp gataunya pas lo 6 dia nya gk di 6 gt hayolo :p
and i jst realized, i hvnt reply her latest tweet. tapi.....SENEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENG WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA rasanya semua semangat gue buat masuk 6 yg dulu, muncul lagi!!!!!!! wakakaka :p

Sunday, June 14, 2009


tau ga kan gue boseeeeeeen, so i decided to ngaskus. i opened The Lounge then looked over some good threads. then i found a thread judulnya 'FILM KONTROVERSI BLABALBALABLA' and im curious bout it, so i opened that thread. i saw the trailer and i was like......waaaaaaa cool abits! a story about Cina and Annisa that loved each other but they couldnt, cause they called God by different names. simple enough ryt? tp kyk cool gt di trailernya, and i rlly want to watch this movie. a quote that i found in this movie: God created love so all the differences could be united. this is the trailer:

Monday, June 8, 2009

liburan bosenin

F*ckin' borrrrrrrrrrrrred!

its been 20 days from my looooooooooooooooooooong really long holiday. bosen taugakseeeeeeh. few days ago i bought the sims 3 cd, maksudnya tuh supaya liburan ga bosen getoooy. nya gabisa. rasanya pengen marah2, udah beli mahal2 taunya gabisa sitiiii. but tday i decided to download it from internet, dari 5,6giga baru ke download 30mega, itu pun kalo berhasil..kalo engga?

i spent my 19days with...
1. iPod
temen kemana2 banget deh ini, dimana ada aku selalu ada dia, oh so sweet ya :B
2. Boooooks!
ini lebih so sweet, gue gabisa lepas dari ini deh. di kamar gue penuh buku komik novel dkk. di kamar mandi pun ada, apalg di tas selalu ada
3. Phone
ga ngaruh2 bgt sih ini, kadang suka error sih jadi lebih sering dimatiin trs suka males dipake. tapi asik ko kamu cay.
4. Dvds
i bought bunch of dvds last week, but havent watched all of it yet. rada males nontonnya :p
5. Asian Dramas
last week i couldnt stop myself to watch Boys Before Flowers. this week i think i'll watch sassy girl or 100% senorita.

About.......Bbf, gatau ya kenapa they got me hypnotized. better than Meteor Garden, looooooooot better! Woo Bin, Yi Jung, and Jun Pyo are truly hawwwwwwt. bukannya boong atau apa ya, tp Jun Pyo really is my type of guy. he has it all. sumpede ga boong gue. swear to god. i got in to this movie too deep, nangiiiiiiiiiis mulu gue kalo nonton ini. apalagi di episode pertengahan sumpah rasanya gue pengen masuk trs bantuin. ga lebay tp bneran sedih banget. tapi akkhirnya kurang menarik deh, kyk kurang greget. padahal pas tengah2nya udh bagus banget gitu, tapi akhirnya kurang. semoga ada season 2 nya. amien :3

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Some endings take a long time to reveal themselves.
But when they do, they're almost too easy to ignore.
Some beginnings start so quietly, you don't even notice they're happening.
But most endings come when you least expect them.
And what they portend is darker than you've ever imagined.
Not all beginnings are cause for celebration.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Prom dress, anyone?


ive been searching all the time to find a right prom dress for me.
but then i remembered the blouse that Jenny wore at her birthday party.
i sort of like it.
this blouse --> dress

then this evening i was trying on a new search-engine from microsoft
i typed 'Selena Gomez' then i found this photo.
me like it too.
or this dress

aren't they lovely?
the two dresses have the similar design but different color.
i think i'll make it one, with broken white color.
ugh lovely

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Tough Love

for those who loves Kristen Stewart..

1. Her first movie role was in The Flinstones: Viva Rock Vegas

2. She hated high school, but wants to go to Yale or Columbia

3. She never kissed a real vampire, who doesnt want to

4. She looked good in every.single.outfit.they put on her.

i dont know why am i writing this sort of thing. im not her fan, or kind of. but then, last night when i first saw that picture and facts, there's a part of me that wanted to write it here. Tough Love.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

teen vogue.

look at this:
im on teen vogue!
nyahaha becanda deeeng.
tapi seneng yg bulan june/july nya Selena.
buy it! or regret it later...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Blair&Chuck's symphony.

Blair: "3 words, 8 letters, just say it and im yours"

Red hot blood coursing through the veins
Image of him, flooding all her brain
In the same old place
Embracing a brand new solace

A familiar face
Blazing a stranger's fiendish gaze
Filthy lewd plunderers
Carefree lazy sojourners

Finger, tongues and legs entwine
Under the moonlight oh so clandestine
Bonnie and Clyde can close the deal tonight
Cares abandoned for the soul's delight.

(the text could be little bit filthy, but how sweet....i wish at the end of the show, they'll be together as a couple)

tick tock tick tock

yay! today is a has-nothing-to-do day! free to do wtvr i wanted to. but hmmm ya, its kinda bored, just hanging around in front of my laptop since 10 a.m. daritadi juga bukanya yg sama doang; Blog, Facebook, Plurk, and kaskus. but, i just decided to read Beauty Pop, jadi mau ke onemanga duluuu.

i watched 2 episodes of gossip girl today. i was kinda freakin crazy bout Blair&Chuck! what in the world are they thinking abouttttt???? why she choose Nate? thou i know, Nate is hotter than Chuck. and and Poppi ruined everything!!!! kesel deh, udah seneng2 juga tuh idup mereka, lo pake dateng segala kesel. and....guess what? the evil bitch comes back around. yea, Georgina Sparks. she used to be a bible girl now, but because of something she turns into evil....again. come on ep. 24&25 udah ada doooong, penasaran bgt pengen nonton lanjutannya nih gila.

you knooooo, staying at home has made me eat a lot. and im sure my weight naiiik lagi. ditambah gue ladi datang bulan juga, jadi bawaannya kepengen makan....kenapa siiiiih mesti kyk gini. why are these f-ing foods here?????? ga usah ada makanan aja deh dirumah biar ga gue makan.....mana mama bawa makanan enak lagi nih. i thought it's a makanan ikan, taunya makanan dari ikan. ini nih

its almost 11, im listening to Lilly Allen's Not Fair song. still dont know what to do, ive read beauty pop tapi malah bikin ngantukkk dan capek, mesti nge klik2 sama halamannya gede banget. huff. i'll find kerjaan laen deh, daripada over weight kebanyakan makan. prom: 43 days left!


i want it! i want to go there!!!!!!!!
how come they dont come to Indonesia???
Boys like Girls & NeverShoutNever would be perfect!
Ugh, god bring them here, pleaseeee :(

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

sweet dream, dear.

what could be better than something called, dreaming?
i had a wonderful dream last night.
god, could you just turn my dream into a real life?
im begging you, thou i know it wont be..

blare chuck!

see see!

what d'ya think?
i found this, couple days ago, and like to upload it here.
i couldnt find any information bout them on wikipedia.
besides his british accent, his voice sounds like brendon urie, doesnt it?
unyuuuuu, how cute!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Saturday, 09/05/09

yesterday was.....good. actually last night was kinda creepy. i was at PIM with plenty of my friends. we watched Bukan Cinta Biasa, gue pikir kyk frik gitu filmnya....taunya engga ko. bagus juga lumayan filmnya, kocak gitu, lumayan buat ketawa haha. there were 2 rows, gue sama Ninet, Tasya, Bibil. terus yg satunya ada Dea, Audry, Tyas, Manda, Egi, Qalista. can u imagine that....? yea, rusuh bangettttt. barisan mereka tuh paling berisik sendiri deh parhoy. komentar mulu, pas gelap aja keliatan mereka gerak2 mulu, huf...

terus.....kita nyusulin yang lain gitu kan. it was 6. they're at food court. sebenernya males banget deh kesana, pasti ramenya naujubilah, udah kyk semut2 gitu disana. tpi ga ada tempat lain juga yang bisa didudukin gratis tanpa beli apa2....hehehehehe. ya tapi abis itu ketemu sebentar, trs abis itu langsung jalan lagi kan. kita ke wendy's akhirnya. si Tari, Audry, sama Dea beli makan. Tari asked us to accompany her to Codefin. tadinya gue sama Dinda kan yaa emang pengen kesana juga, banyak juga yg lain yang disana. ada yg jemput gue kalo disana. jadinya ga ada yg jadi ke sana dech.

abis ituuuuuuu gue, Dinda, Egi, Tasya, Ninet ke food court lagi kan, misah sama yang di wendy's tuh. si Ninet, Egi, sama Tasya mau beli makan, gue sama Dinda cuma ikut aja :p trs pas sampe, Ninet&Egi langsung beli makan gitu kan. there were only Tasya, Dinda and i. pas lagi ngobrol2 gitu ber3, ketawain Uwie2 nih sama Witje gitu ahahahahaha, tp tiba2 ada yang dateng gitu. a suspicious-middle-age guy came over our table. he said he's from survey tim atau apaaa gitu. he asked us a question about boy and girl, frik deh pokonya, ga jelas gitu. trs dia kyk ngenalin dirinya gitu, kyk maksa salaman dh, padahal Tasya kyk udah gamau gitu, tp akhirnya salaman juga.....serem. terus abis nanya2 sebentar ga jelas, akhirnya di pergi gitu deh, frik bgt sumpah. and it happened TWICE. kyknya sih temennya yg pertama gitu, dtg gitu jg tiba2. tp bedanya, kalo yg ini lebih rame, jadi kyk lebih tenang.

then my parents picked me up at 9 or 9.30, they bought something from food hall, and i begged to them for a boooooook :B and they said, yes. yay! i was looking for Notorious, but i didnt find it. there were only Reckless and Lucky. huh sebel, padahal pengen baca banget. but then i saw The Clique! i thought itu yg keberapaaa gitu, eh ternyata judulnya emg The Clique doang jadi ya vol.1, wii langsung beli itu deh. ive searched that book for a couple of months, and didnt find it anywhere. lucky me ;)

Saturday, May 9, 2009

good girls go bad.

cant find the full song on imeem, so i uploaded from youtube.

hear it.... cool uh? its cobra starship ft. leighton meester.
i never thought she could sing, but its great.


Happy Birthday Nabila Khumaira!

today is bibil's birthday! me and my friends planned to give her a surprise party ;) since her house is at Pamulang, my friend said that we should gather at 8 p.m, and i doubted i can make it. cause, hello? saturday, we could get extra sleep. but lastly, i could make it, yay! Manda ping me a hundred time (i think) to wake me up. i woke up at 6, then watched tv till 7, then took a bath. i thought i was the last person that arrive, but i wasnt. then we waited for my other friends, then went to Bibil's at 9. i was with Manda, Disa, Egi, and Didi. and there were Tari, Dinta, Andri, Ninet, Audry and Audi, at Tari's car. then we picked Dhea and Tyas up first. i never thought that her house's really really far. when we arrived, there was om Bambang(Bibil's dad) in front of their house, then we got out from the car. we ignited the candle first, the got in to Bibil's house. then we sang "HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIBIL, HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIBIL" wiiiiii, that's tooooooooo fun. when we ate the cake, Bibil's dad gave us a lecture bout friendship. and that made me so sad, remember that in the next 2 months, we'll separate by our high schools. oh ya! we read Bibil's-6th grade-diary and that's toooooooooooo "COOL" wakakakakaka, cant find word to describe it deh, mesti baca sendiri, ahahahahaha. and the point is, i just want to say happy birthday to my flat-fishy-face friend, love you Bil :D

p.s: i'll upload the photo, soon.

Friday, May 8, 2009

cutest, ever.

didnt find another better, jadi sama kyk gogirl! deh ~_~

Selena + Taylor = PERFECTO!
never imagine.... i was shocked! tapi seneng banget!
i love the girl since wizards of waverly place,
and the guy since shark boy&lava girl.
happy for you both!
awet yaaa, langgeng sama nikah deh pokonya harus!!!!!!! (kyk dibaca)

soccer thing.

i remembered last year. when there was UEFA&EURO cup. i was kinda reallllllly excited. yesterday, my friend asked me to bet for Manchester United vs. Barcelona. i was okay, i accepted it. im positive MU will be the winner, AGAIN.

last year, i betted for MU, when MU against Chelsea. and i won HAHAHAHAHA. and when EURO, i betted for Spain. and what? i won agaiiiiiiiin. i won against my friends, father, and brother B) but they havent gave me the money -_-

i hope this year will be my lucky year again. but unluckily, i havent watched soccer game this year, it's because of my full-time-work. because all of the exams, i just see the result, hmmm. but i hope i can watch that MU vs. Barca, which is i dont know when -_- yaa pokonya, GO RED DEVILS!!!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

happy birthday!

maaf ga ada gambar yang lebih mending, parah semua :p

i would love to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY AA!!! love ya so much. but unfortunately, he's sick :(
hope u like my little present, and the cupcake. wish u all the veryveryveryyyyyyy best! good luck with ur band, and everything. semoga masuk ya yg worldwide itu.....hehe. oke love u brotherrrrrr <3>SMOOCH.

Thursday, April 30, 2009


listening to: Big city dreams - Nevershoutnever!

HEY YA! ke stressan gue udah agak berkuranglah, hari ini hari terakhir UAN, dan mata pelajarannya adalah IPA....yang bener2 gue parah dalam fisikanya. sampe les terus2an berkali2 dengan guru yang ngajar cepettt banget, banyak yg ga gue ngerti, tapi untungnya dia ngasih catetan! jadi gue belajar dari situ aja. and hasilnya, gue alhamdulilah IPA lancar :) cuma biologi tersendat gara2 belajar fisika mulu ~_~

yah UAN apalagi kalo udah ngeliatin ige frik pas lagi uan, bisa jadi penyegar kalo lagi stress mikirin jawaban deh tuh wkwkwk. dan penyemangat lagi....gue selalu sekelas sama ibong, how luckyyy. tapi ibong ga di-apa2in ko. dari mulai semesteran kelas8, semua to pas kelas 9, UAN, selalu sekelas dan selalu deketan. uan aja di belakang gua, tapi ibong ga ke ganggu sama gue ko B)

yahhhhh i wish nem gue tinggiiiiii, berapa kek pokonya diatas 35 maunya, dari usaha gua selama ini les2an yg ganggu bgt males guru ga enak, sama mantengin guru terus di kelas duduk paling depan terus, semoga membuahkan hasil baik ya allah. dan, semoga XX lulus 100% dengan nilai paling tinggi, amin :)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

days in november

i want to go back to the days in november
back when we were in love
and everyday was a day to remember
and we live happily
let me know, why didnt we stay that way?
i wish i could find my way back to love..
Ever After - Rasmus Faber ft. Emily McEwan

Sunday, April 12, 2009


its 30 to 9. im waiting for a friend of mine to call me. he called me 'bout 1hour ago, but i didnt make it, cause i was working on my paten book. i told him to call me at 9, but he hasnt call me yet, im sure he'll tell me bout the girl that he had crush on, and i was kinda freaking out when i knew which girl. i was like WAAAAAW KO BISA? im wondering the day when they walk as a couple, a girlf and boyf, huff. if u know u them, u'll think what im thinking right know..

and now its 11. i cant sleep, and im waiting a call from my friend (AGAIN). the person above had call me, and we talked for about 2hours. then my battery got empty. and he said he want to sleep, well okay. i charged my esia. then lets talk about my other friend. hmmm he's CLBK sama his ex but he wont admit that. see my conversation w/ him on msn:
O: jgn bilang....clbk ya?
X: urgh
O: IYA?????
X: plis no more..
O: DEMI APA???? tp coba aja lagi..
X: Nooooo
X: diem deh
O: brarti bener dong yang gue bilang..
X: i dont want to remember her, meet her, talk about her and other
O: kenapa siiiiih?
X: ya gimana ya gatau, udah ada yg mau kali
O: ya tapi lo juga mau kannn, lo harus usaha kalo lo mauuu
X: no i dont want to, let somebody take her pleaseee
O: yakin? ga nyesel?
X: engga. someone could do better than me
O: aww (:
(X = him, O = me)
how sweeeeeeeeet. haha i never imagine someone like him could say that. but im happy for him, well thou he didnt want to admit that he's in love again with his ex, he thought he'll repeat his fault from their past when they're together, but im sure he wont. and so does his ex. i love when they're together, and im hoping they'll back together :)
everbody was sooo in love today. like my 2friends above, and other people. im happy for them :) Cheers!

(ps: dont ask me about the persons above, i wont tell)

Friday, April 10, 2009

celebrity should learn this.

You gotta see this cool video..
Cool huhhhh?? i wish i could do that one time..
I was about to upload that jenny humphrey's coolest fashion show.
But i didnt find the great one. then i remembered a video that my brother showed me couple months ago.
She just one year older than me, thou i think she's much older than her age. too old face, but she's cool.
My brother's soooooo into her because of this vid. me too.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

absolutely in love with..


Happy Family...not, me&Renzy as parent. and theyre our kids :p

On the way back from Karawaci.

Class-that-never-sleep (kecuali Upay & pel. Pak Syarief)

Our clown, Abie.

Chezzzzzzzzze :D

Our class's magazine cover :p

thing that i cant deny is...i really in love with them.
i love them, till high school do us apart. Cheers!