Scarloetta! i bet u hvnt heard that name before, hv u? some people may think that name as katro or wtvr, but i know that dozen of people loves us extremely much, as they love themselves :p. we have many people around us, people who protect us, like the boys :) my boys :) my adorable wonderful boys!!! i love them to much much much, as much as i love my nerds!! nyam..nyam..
Thursday, February 19, 2009
my daily vitamins
From the first time i spent my time together wth them, till now i really loved being around them, around my scarloetta, my boys, my xx, my 9A and others. esp, for scarloetta, we've been spent much time together, laughed, cried, and wtvr lah, yang pasti kalo sama satu ini, udah speechless, cant find words to describe how big is my love for them, i really really love them, and i surely do!!!!! eventhough we still have our own ego, and our own problem to each other, but as far as we can do, kita bakal urusin tuh masalah sampe selesai dan jadinya ga selek2 gitu deh :D thats one of the reason why i love them pretty much!
my boys! i love love love love love them, surely love them, extremely love them! i cant live without them!(lebay deng :p) but im sure, i love them :D of course after my xx and scarloets. they do protect us when we're getting trouble. one of them always give me many good advises, he's my best adviser ever. the other guy, one of them also my best listener, when i got so many trouble with my (ex)bf, i waited him online on msn, then i could talk to him, i couldnt call him that day. but there's another special guy for me, he's my very really extremely best listener ever, also my super best adviser. he knows me well, maybe lot better than anyone else. he knows me better than my mom, dad, brother, or my whole family. im sure about it. i shared wtvr things i do, i get, i learn and wtvr lah. and! he knows my dirty little secret, we do have our dirty little secret, bhahaha we were spending much time together for about 16months. i love being around him. now im bmm-an with him, we're sending our voice, using voice note lah ye, i dont know what to say anymore, i dont have any word for him again, but actually, i love him, i really do love him. my super silly ex boyf :p
the last is my super amazinggggg wonderful IX-A!!! my uhhhmazing class, best i ever had on 9th grade. i really love bein around them. im so lucky to be part of them. our mascots are Abie! and Gerson! hahaha, but i do adore that 2 guys, theyre funny. esp. abie! hahaha u must see him, when he sings 'ular berbisa' or another similar song. his face is so silly!! i cant stop laughing, and also my other friends. we love wednesday, cause its time for music lesson! its kind of free class, we're free to do wtvr we wanna do there. Mr. Dj, my teacher doesnt mind it. every week we sing a different song, a song that Mr. Dj choose for us. after that, we're free!!! pokonya i really love being around u all, i love u all as much as love my family. of course bu chandra and pak basroh too, our teachers. eventhough our class isnt as smart as another class, but u know, we still the best, the best on our way. our journey to UAN, we'll do the best. the best for me, my class and my school. and we love each other lah yaaaaaaaaaa :D
what? i cant write anyhting anymore, i dont know what to say anymore. i thought it'll need more than zillion words to describe my scarloets, my boys, my IX-A and others. but now i cant, im to tired to writing anymore, my fingers will getting weak. i know, everybody in this whole world have their own daily vintamin. and i do too. i have my daily vitamins. i need them eveyday, every hour, every minute. yeaa theyre my daily vitamins.
1:11 AM
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
1st time.
Pertama kali bikin blog nih, and i meant it. ga kyk... sssh udah sih ya, udah lewat juga hahaha. well, hello im tiara. im fourteen, will be fifteen this february, 24th. don't forget. gue anak alix, ya al ikhlas cipete, ya semua pasti tau lah, ya kali alix aja gatau :p kelas IX. IX-A, and i extremely in love with this class! nomer urut 31, dari 32 siswa.
Yah kyk *bipp* juga sih gila jam segini gue belom tidur, padahal besok gue mesti bangun jam stengah6 terus siap2 sekolah yang masuknya 06.30, gara2 kelas9 ada pemantapan dulu. capek abis rasanya jadi anak kelas9, ga ada istirahat. bisa bisa gue jadi kurus nih :p tiap hari capek banget mesti belajar mulu. tadi gue juga abis quin dan baru sampe rumah sekitar jam8 gitu. terus baru mandi jam 08.30 deh, astaga anak gadis manding malem2.. haha. ya pokonya sebel deh kenapa gue ga bisa tidur gitu ya hari ini, kebanyakan pikiran juga sih kyknya gua bhahahaha. rencananya sih mau belajar dulu tadi sebelom tidur, soalnya besok ada ulangan biologi sama komputer. which is, my biology book itu ketinggalan di loker!!!!! padahal ttg monohibrid blabla wtv itu, ga ngerti sama sekali gue. tapi ya apa mau dikata, gue ga bisa belajar gini. ga bakal masuk kalo ga ada niat juga.
Apa mau dikata kalo udah kyk gini, ya gara2 mikir buat bikin blog ini gue juga jadi semakin mengantuk dan ngantuk terus, mending gue tidurrrrrrrr aja sekarang, capek juga bok abis les tadi, blm istirahat daritadi, kesibukan laen juga banyak sih bhahahahaha :p yaudahsih byeeeee.
9:28 AM
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